Neue Schöne Hohe Häuser [New Beautiful High Buildings]
Urban Hub Berlin Hohenschönhausen
Rochedale Quarter
Community centre for a modern housing estate, Berlin
Fabulous Halemweg
Townhall Lippstadt (GER)
(Sub)Urban Mix
Urban Hub Berlin Hohenschönhausen
Place for Curiosity, Knowledge and Learning
Community centre for a modern housing estate, Berlin
New city council quarter, Lippstadt
Sustainable urban development fostering social inclusion consultation for the European Council on the topic of "Public welfare-oriented and sustainable urban development" (2018)
WSUD Focus on the principles of Water Sensitive Urban Design for the Oxford-Kaserne, funding by Wandelwerk NRW (2016) more
Mark Kammerbauer, Joachim Schultz-Granberg: Dark Metal in Kiruna – What happens when the lights go out in a mining city? – in Topos 102, 2018 (p.50)
Dömer, Drexler, Schultz-Granberg: Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Strategies for Affordable Housing, Jovis Publisher, 1st ed. 2016, 2nd ed. 2017, 3rd ed. 2022 (DAM Architectural Book Award 2017)
Scenario’s, Patterns and Prototypes - space as an incubator for knowledge Lecture and workshops at the 6th Consultative Meeting of the University of Nepal, November 2023
The City as Incubator Lecture at the European Council on the topic of "Public welfare-oriented and sustainable urban development" (Lisbon, 2018)
Strategies and patterns of affordable living Lecture at the symposium of the Schader-Stiftung zur Rückkehr der Wohnungsfrage (PDF Reader), Darmstadt, 2017
Residential Neighbourhood Urban design and landscape competition for a new residential estate (5ha) in Burg, Fehmarn, 2022 (jury chairmanship)
Helmut-Schmidt-University Urban design competition for the transformation of the university campus in Hamburg-Jenfeld, 2022 (jury member)
Berlin Waste Management (BSR) realization competition, Berlin-Südkreuz 2021 (deputy jury member)
EZ-Campus Plus Urban design competition for the Berlin site of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Berlin 2021 (deputy expert jury member)
Creating a sense of community Tendering procedure for residential a neighbourhood, plot D1 (1ha), Oxford-Barracks Münster 2021 (jury chairmanship)
Vision for the Kimmel Quarter High-densitiy mixed-use development, Riga 2021 (jury member)
New Urban Core Tempelhof Urban planning realization competition, Berlin 2019-2020 (jury member)
Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Travelling exhibition about affordable housing supported by AIT. Exhibition stops: HO Berlin @ Make City Berlin (June 2015), AIT Architektursalon Köln (August – September 2015), AIT Architektursalon Hamburg (December 2015 – January 2016), Die Chapel in Heidelberg (June 2016), Zentrum Baukultur Rhineland-Palatinate in Mainz (April – May 2017), Stadthausgalerie Münster (June – July 2018), Zentrum für Baukultur Sachsen (ZfBK) Dresden (July 2018), Tapetenwerk Leipzig (September 2018), ZfBK @ Das Tietz in Chemnitz (October – November 2018), AIT Architektursalon München (March – April 2019), Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf (May – June 2019), Hafenmuseum Bremen (December 2021 – July 2022)
Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Lecture and conception of a symposium for the book presentation, Munich 2016
Zukunft Wohnen Symposium and book presentation on spatial and strategic parameters of affordable housing, concept Symposium and contribution, TU Berlin, January 2015